The simplicity of the QM Rubric is that it follows
eight key areas that guide the development of effective course design. The
eight areas include: 1. Course Overview and Introduction; 2. Learning
Objectives (Competencies); 3. Assessment and Measurement; 4. Instructional
Materials; 5. Learner Interaction and Engagement; 6. Course Technology; 7. Learner
Support; and 8. Accessibility.
The successes of Quality Matters have resulting in more
than 500 institutions from around the world subscribing and implementing the
review process. Simply put, the standards are easy to follow, logical, and effectual.
When instructors think about designing an online or
hybrid course, we urge them to come to the Center for Academic Technology (CAT) to
learn more about the QM design standards. Moreover, many of the standards are
effective in designing a collaborative and well aligned face-to-face course.
Several instructors have commented that after learning how to apply the
standards, they implement many of the design principles into their traditional
courses and have a deeper understanding of alignment and assessment.
The auto summarize will help students to make projects with the help online services based and continuous improvement in online education and student learning.